Hitra når du vil
The restrictions for the municipality of Hitra apply:
Patients in nursing homes, 24-hour care homes and immediate 24-hour care will be at increased risk of serious illness due to COVID-19 due to high age and comorbidity.
Good cough and hand hygiene reduces the risk of COVID-19 infection and visitors should follow basic infection control procedures to protect patients. Visitors mean relatives and circle of residents, volunteers and others who provide services and contribute activities at the institution.
The Directorate of Health advises that the following persons do not visit municipal health institutions:
Areas of persistent infection spread are constantly updated on Fhi’s websites:
Close contact is defined as:
Further information on defining close contacts can be found on Fhi’s website
Symptoms of fever, sore throat and cough have been reported. COVID-19 can in some cases cause very mild symptoms so that a light cold or flushing in itself without any other signs of illness should cause visits to the institution to be postponed.
The same risk assessment could include persons in the housing disabilities communities, children’s homes and BPA schemes, so that the above-mentioned councils will also be the debts of visitors to them.
It is important that the above information is made known to visitors before they possibly show up at the institution.
Further information on Fhi’s pages is also shown on both the advice to the population and health professionals about COVID-19.